
Thursday, January 18, 2024




     PT. Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk (DMND) telah menjadi salah satu pemain utama dalam industri makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Sejak didirikan pada tahun 1973, perusahaan ini telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan dan terus berupaya untuk memperluas pangsa pasarnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, DMND telah menerapkan berbagai strategi pemasaran inovatif.

Strategi Pemasaran DMND: Pendekatan

  DMND telah mengadopsi pendekatan pemasaran terintegrasi yang mencakup berbagai saluran distribusi dan metode promosi. Melalui ekspansi toko ritel dan penjualan online perusahaan ini berusaha untuk memperluas jangkauan produknya dan meningkatkan keterlibatan konsumen. Selain itu, DMND juga telah menerapkan strategi pemasaran digital yang agresif, termasuk pemanfaatan media sosial dan pemasaran konten, untuk memperkuat kehadiran mereknya di ranah digital.

Inovasi Produk: Kunci Keberhasilan Pemasaran


     Sebagai produsen makanan dan minuman terkemuka, DMND terus berinovasi dalam pengembangan produk. Dengan meluncurkan beragam produk baru dan memperbarui portofolio produknya, perusahaan ini berusaha untuk memenuhi tuntutan konsumen yang terus berubah. Strategi pemasaran DMND didorong oleh inovasi produk yang berkelanjutan, yang memungkinkan perusahaan untuk tetap relevan di pasar yang kompetitif. 

Pengembangan Merek: Fokus pada Kualitas dan Keberlanjutan

          DMND telah memperkuat citra mereknya dengan fokus pada kualitas produk dan keberlanjutan. Melalui strategi pemasaran yang berfokus pada nilai tambah produk dan komitmen terhadap praktik bisnis yang bertanggung jawab, perusahaan ini telah berhasil membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan konsumen dan mitra bisnisnya.

Tantangan dan Peluang di Masa Depan

     Meskipun DMND telah mencapai kesuksesan yang signifikan, perusahaan ini dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan di masa depan. Dampak pandemi COVID-19 dan ketidakpastian ekonomi global merupakan beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi strategi pemasaran DMND. Namun, dengan komitmen terhadap inovasi dan keunggulan produk, perusahaan ini tetap optimis untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan.

Product- product di PT. Diamond Food Indonesia berupa:


          PT. Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk (DMND) merupakan perusahaan terkemuka yang memproduksi dan mendistribusikan beragam produk makanan dan minuman. Produk-produk yang dijual oleh PT. Diamond Food Indonesia meliputi:

  1. Produk Dairy: Susu, yogurt, dan produk olahan susu lainnya.
  2. Bakery: Roti, kue, dan produk roti lainnya.
  3. Daging dan Makanan Laut: Produk daging olahan, sosis, bakso, nugget, dan makanan laut.
  4. Buah-buahan, Sayuran, dan Produk Turunannya: Jus buah, produk olahan buah, sayuran beku, dan produk turunan lainnya.

Beberapa merek lokal yang populer dari PT. Diamond Food Indonesia termasuk Diamond Ice Cream, Diamond Juice, Diamond Milk, yogurt Biokul, dan Jungle Juice. Selain itu, perusahaan juga menjual merek-merek internasional terkemuka, seperti Airborne, Kinder Joy, Nutella, Tic Tac, V-Soy, dan Hershey’s. 

Kesimpulan :

     Strategi pemasaran PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk mencerminkan komitmen perusahaan untuk pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan dan keunggulan produk. Melalui pendekatan terintegrasi, inovasi produk, dan fokus pada pengembangan merek, DMND telah berhasil memperkuat posisinya di pasar. Dengan terus beradaptasi terhadap perubahan pasar dan memanfaatkan peluang baru, perusahaan ini siap untuk menghadapi tantangan di masa depan dan mencapai kesuksesan yang lebih besar. 


     Dengan demikian, strategi pemasaran DMND merupakan contoh yang baik dari bagaimana perusahaan dapat menggunakan inovasi dan fokus pada keunggulan produk untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Learning The First Korean Course on Coursera Week 3

 Nama : Ilham Santoso Putra

Class : 3SA06

NPM : 10620102

Learning The First Korean Course on Coursera Week 3

3.1. I have two younger siblings

    I discovered this week that Korean folks frequently include information about their family while introducing themselves. The instructor then provided me with vocabulary concerning families, for instance:

가족 (gajok) means family                                    

아버지 (abeoji)/아빠 (appa) = Dad

어머니 (eomeoni)/엄마 (eomma) = Mom

형 (hyeong) = older brother (for male). if you are a boy/male want to call an older brother, you should call him hyeong.

오빠 (oppa) = older brother (for female). if you are a girl/female and want to call an older brother, you have to call him with oppa.

누나 (nuna) = older sister (for male), if you are a male and want to call an older sister, you have to call her nuna.

언니 (eonni) = older sister (for female), if you are a female also want to call your older sister, you can call her with eonni. 

동생 (dongsaeng) = younger sibling

if it is a little brother you can call him as 남동생 (namdongsaeng) and for little sister is 여동생 (yeodongsaeng).

삼촌 (samchon) = uncle

이모 (imo) = aunt

형제 (hyeongje) = siblings/brothers

자매 (jamae) = siblings/sisters

딸 (ttal) = daughter

아들 (adeul) = son

    I also learnt how to count in Korean since you need to know the numbers if you want to say you have several siblings.


3.2. Do you also have an older brother?

    I learnt how to ask someone whether they had siblings at this point in the lesson, as well as how to employ particles in sentences.

    If you want to ask someone about his another family members you can use do. example, namdongsaengdo isseoyo? means do you also have a younger brother?


3.3. How many members are in your family?

I learned how to ask and respond how many members are in your family.

The instructor then provided me with several vocabulary, for instance:
의자 (euija) = chair
책상 (chaeksang) = desk
모자 (moja) = hat
가방 (gabang) = bag
남자 (namja) = male
여자 (yeoja) = female
학생 (haksaeng) = student
시계 (sigye) = clock, wristwatch
바나나 (banana) = banana
복숭아 (boksunga) = peach
귤 (gyul) = tangerine

    If you're asked that, you can respond by listing the members of your family by their numbers. As an illustration, "five peoples" in Korean is daseot isseoyo or daseon myeongieyo, etc.

Counting is possible by looking at the image.
1. its not hana myeong, but ha myeong
2. its not dul myeong, but du myeong
3. not set myeong, but se myeong
4. not net myeong, but ne myeong
5. daseot myeong, pronounced as daseon myeong
6. yeseot myeong, pronounced as yeoseon myeong
7. ilgop myeong,  pronounced as ilgom myeong
8. yedeol myeong, pronounced as yeodeol myeong
9. ahop myeong, pronounced as ahomyeong
10. yeol myeong, still yeol myeong.


2.4. Review

I learned new vocabs in this part
그래? (geurae?) means really? or is that so? 
모두 (modu) means all
아내 (anae) means my wife, but another word for someone's wife called 부인 (buin) or 사모님(samonim).
외동 딸 (wedongttal) = only daughter
외아들 (weadeul) = only son
혼자 (honja) = by oneself, alone

this conversation is an example of the material review.


Learning The First Korean Course on Coursera Week 2

 Nama : Ilham Santoso Putra

Class : 3SA06

NPM : 10620102

Learning The First Korean Course on Coursera Week 2

2.1. Greetings and Introducing

In second week I learned things on how to greet people and introduce ourselves to strangers.

When you greet someone in korean you said 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) when translated literally becomes, are you in peace? 안녕하다 means to be in peace, ~세요? as a question form. Formal way to say is 안녕하십니까.


2.2. Greetings and Introducing (I'm Korean)

  In this course taught me how to inquire people about their nationality and how to answer them when they do. When someone asks you where you're from, you can respond by saying 어느 나라 사람이에요? (oneu nara saramieyo) and if you being asked like that, you can answer, 저는 인도네시아 사람이에요. (jeoneun indonesia saramieyo).


2.3. Greetings and Introducing (I'm a Student)

You can bring up the occupation when you inquire about someone's job. a case in point:

  • 저스틴 씨, 학생이에요? (justin ssi, are you a student?) 

  • you can answer 아니요, 저는 학생이 아니에요. 기자예요. (no. i'm not a student. i'm a journalist) or 네, 학생이에요. (ne, i'm a student)


2.4. Greetings and Introducing (Review)

    I went through the last lecturer's remarks in this unit, including greetings, introductions of names, inquiries about vocations, and introductions of nationalities. I thus simply took the 2.4 quiz.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Learning The First Korean Course on Coursera Week 1

Nama : Ilham Santoso Putra

Class : 3SA06

NPM : 10620102

Learning The First Korean Course on Coursera Week 1

    I learned Korean from scratch when I enrolled in Yonsei University's The First Korean course on Coursera. The instructor informed us about Hangeul, the Korean script. A syllable in Hangeul is made up of consonants and vowels. In the 15th century, King Sejong the Great founded Hangeul. At the time, there were 28 letters in this collection, which was given the moniker Hun Min Jeong, which translates as a virtuous voice to teach people. However, Hangeul today only comprises 24 fundamental letters, including 10 vowels and 14 consonants.

1.1. 10 Basic Vowel

    A, Eo, O, U, Eu, Ya, Yeo, Yo, Yu, and Yi are the ten fundamental vowels of the Korean script, which I first learnt about. A, Eo, O, U, Eu, and I are the first-derived letters. Ya, Yeo, Yo, Yu, and Yi are the second-derived letters. The second-derived letters, known as dipthongs in English, are formed by combining the I sound with the first-derived letters. For instance, the word Ya is created by combining the I sound and the A sound, while the word Yeo is created by combining the I sound and the Eo sound, just as Yo and Yu.


After watched the video, I took then I took 1.1 quiz and got a perfect score.

1.2 14 Basic Consonants

    The second session covered the concepts behind the invention of Hangeul's 14 fundamental consonants as well as how to combine the consonants with the ten vowels to form letters. Although there are 17 fundamental consonants that make up the consonants in reality, the three alphabets are no longer in use.

    The basic consonant symbols are represented by the five alphabets in the red rectangle. The contours of the lips create each of those letters. Tree, fire, dirt, metal, and water are their five elements. In other words, each symbol corresponds to a particular vocalization of the sound. The consonant sounds and their placement in the mouth were compared to the five main principles of Eastern philosophy.

    The velar sound ㄱ is produced when the windpipe is blocked by a tongue-like structure. when the actual section of the tongue makes contact with the velum, the soft palate. A tongue contacting the gums of the upper teeth produces the alveolar ㄴ sound. The form of the lips opening after they have pressed is the labial sound mieum. There is a link between the dental sound and teeth. The epiglottis is the gap between the vocal cords, and the glottal sound, which has the form of a throat, is the last consonant sound and is the same sound ng in singing, according to King.

After learning the material I took 1.2 quiz and got a perfect score. 

1.3 Other consonants and vowels

    This section I learn about how to recognize basic, aspirated, and tension sounds as well as how to read dipthongs in Hangeul.

Samples of the sounds Ka, Kha, and K'a to help you identify between them.

    I learned the new vowels which are Ae, E, We, Wi, Yae, Ye, Wa, Wae, Wo, We, Eui. Ae is almost pronounced the same like E, Yae is almost pronounced the same like Ye, and Wae is almost pronounced the same like We.

Final steps in this part is I took 1.3 quiz and got a perfect score.

1.4 Syllabels and Final Consonants

    In Hangul, syllables are composed of consonants and vowels and have four distinct forms. The first form has vowels. Vowels alone cannot create syllables. Therefore, vowels like "a" or "an" are used as the first consonant, followed by the voiceless cycle.

    Finally, I ordered the words that are pronounced as "Kang," which are made up of a consonant, a vowel, and a consonant. The letter G is a consonant, so we place the letter A next to it. Because there is another consonant in the word, we place the last consonant, which is pronounced as NG, below G and A. This word is therefore pronounced "Kang."

Last, I took the 1.4 quiz in the last part of the lessons.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

BBC Web Test Your Level


Name   : Ilham Santoso Putra
Class    : 3SA06
NPM    : 10620102

B1 Intermediate

In this level is talking about present perfect sentence, finds the temperature uncomfortable,  word best fits in the space if you want to make a strong recommendation, If conditional type 2, Which sentence means that something isn't necessary, sentence uses a preposition of place, sentence uses ‘at’ correctly, sentence does the connecting word make sense, correct tag to complete sentence, and reported speech.

Written on the web : 

Score 11-15

Fantastic! It looks like you are almost ready to move on the B2.

I got 12/15 so that means I passed the test for intermediate level and continue to B2.

B2 Upper-Intermediate

In this level is talking about uses the present continuous correctly, prefix goes before 'tox' and 'crease', which sentence uses ‘neither’ correctly, phrasal verb, asked at a tourist information office, If condition 3, the abstract uncountable noun ‘happiness’, adverb placed correctly, reporting verb, timetabled event, and sentence natural spoken English.

Written on the web : 

Score 11-15

Fantastic! It looks like you are almost ready to move on the C1.

14/15 so that means I passed the test for upper-intermediate level and continue to C1.

C1 Advanced

In this level is talking about uses the present perfect tense correctly, uses the articles ‘a/an/the’ If condition type 3, sentence using ‘unless’, correct adjective, Which verb can fill ALL the gaps to make THREE correct sentences, sentence using ‘wish’, expression to complete sentence, infinitive – past simple – past participle forms of the verb ‘break’, expression can be used instead of ‘let’s go’, narrative tenses to tell this story in the past, and reported speech.

Written on the web : 

Score 11-15

Fantastic! It looks like you are getting towards native-speaker level!

I got 14/15 so that means I'm getting towards native-speaker level based on this web.


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