Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Academic Listening

Name: Ilham Santoso Putra

Class: 3SA06

NPM: 10620102


Keep track of your performance on any of the listening activities linked on the site by filling out this sheet. Write the date, the name of the listening activity you did, your score, and sample sentences using any words you learned in context.


 Name of Quiz        


New Vocabulary / Sample Sentences



Intermediate – saving the earth


Score: [  5/5 ]


Saving The Earth

 litter (verb): throw garbage on the ground


-       Hey, don’t litter. Be sure to put your garbage in the trash can.


 Recycle (verb): to reuse or make (a substance) available for reuse for biological activities through natural processes of biochemical degradation or modification


-       green plants recycling the residue of forest fires


 cut down (verb): to reduce or curtail volume or activity


-       cut down on smoking




Difficult – I love trees



Score: [  5/5 ]

I Love Trees  

 Commodity (noun): a product of agriculture or mining


-       agricultural commodities like grain and corn


 Nursery (noun): a place where children are temporarily cared for in their parents' absence


-       She still needs to decorate the nursery before the baby comes.


 Damp (verb): to diminish the activity or intensity of


-       damping down the causes of inflation


 Soil (noun): ground, dirt


-       We added some new soil to the garden to prepare for planting.


 Munch (verb): to eat with a chewing action


-       The kids like to munch on carrots and pretend they are rabbits.


 Evergreen (noun): a plant having foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season


-       If temperatures are above 40 degrees, spray broadleaf evergreens with an antidesiccant to ward off winter dehydration and windburn.


 Exterminate (verb): to get rid of completely usually by killing off


-       exterminate termites and cockroaches


 Lumber (verb): to move ponderously


-       an elephant lumbering along the road



Very difficult – language learning


Score: [  4/5  ]

Language Learning

 Spark (noun): something that sets off a sudden force


-       provided the spark that helped the team to rally


 Imply (verb): to involve or indicate by inference, association, or necessary consequence rather than by direct statement


-       rights imply obligations


 Disenchanted (adj): no longer happy, pleased, or satisfied: DISAPPOINTED, DISSATISFIED


-       But midway through his architectural training at the Rhode Island School of Design, he grew disenchanted with the pretentious edifice of postmodern design.


 Elaborate (adj): planned or carried out with great care


-       took elaborate precautions


 Tactile (adj): the idea of touching


-       He is a very tactile learner and always benefits from hands-on activities like building thing.



Score: [         ]


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