Friday, October 7, 2022


Ilham Santoso Putra




- Any : one, some, or all indiscriminately of whatever quantity
Sentence : I'd be grateful for any favor at all.

- Again : used to ask someone to repeat something that was not heard or understood clearly
Sentence : I'm sorry, what was your name again?

- Vase : a usually round vessel of greater depth than width used chiefly as an ornament or for holding flowers
Sentence : Arrange a few flowers in the vase, mixing it with the vines.

- Eyed : having an eye or eyes especially of a specified kind or number —often used in combination
Sentence : an almond-eyed girl

- Do : to bring to pass : CARRY OUT
Sentence : do another's wishes

- Town : the inhabitants of a city or town
Sentence : practically the whole town turned out for the parade

- Tick :  to operate as a functioning mechanism : RUN
Sentence : tried to understand what made him tick

- Clear : to make clear or translucent
Sentence : clear the water by filtering

- Ah : used to express delight, relief, regret, or contempt
Sentence : Ah, finished at last!

- Runt : The smallest one of the litter was called the runt
Sentence : He was a little runt who probably got picked on at school, nobody liked him.

- Hue : the attribute of colors that permits them to be classed as red, yellow, green, blue, or an intermediate between any contiguous pair of these colors
Sentence : red with an orange hue

- Boat : a boat-shaped container, utensil, or device
Sentence : a gravy boat

- Horal : of or relating to an hour or hours; hourly.

-  Go : to travel to and stay in a place for a period of time
Sentence : plan to go to their beach house for the summer

- Foam : a light frothy mass of fine bubbles formed in or on the surface of a liquid or from a liquid: such as
Sentence : foam on a glass of beer.

- Tote : ADD, TOTAL —usually used with up
Sentence : toted up his accomplishments

- It : that one —used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a preposition usually in reference to a lifeless thing
Sentence : took a quick look at the house and noticed it was very old

- Ax : an instrument with a bladed head on a handle or helve, used for hewing, cleaving, chopping, etc.
Sentence : His girlfriend gave him the ax.

- Of : used as a function word to indicate a point of reckoning
Sentence : north of the lake

- To : used as a function word to indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing reached
Sentence : drove to the city

- Eager : keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing:
Sentence : I am eager for news about them. He is eager to sing.

- Molar : f or relating to a mole of a substance
Sentence : the molar volume of a gas

- As : to the same degree or amount
Sentence : as soft as silk

- Rat : a person who spends much time in a specified place
Sentence : a mall rat

- Die : to pass from physical life : EXPIRE
Sentence : died at the age of 56

- Deep : extending far from some surface or area: such as extending far downward
Sentence : a deep well

- Nun : a woman belonging to a religious order
especially : one under solemn vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience

- Bel : a unit of power ratio, equal to 10 decibels.

- Droop : to let sink or drop:
Sentence : an eagle drooping its wings.

- Strife : bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension
Sentence : political strife

- No : used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility
Sentence : hall we go out to dinner or no

- Up : upward from the ground or surface
Sentence : pull up a daisy

-  Frug : a dance deriving from the twist.
Sentence : dance frug 

- Blame : to find fault with : CENSURE
Sentence : the right to praise or blame a literary work

- Win : to obtain by work : EARN
Sentence : striving to win a living from the sterile soil

- Rice : the starchy seeds of an annual southeast Asian cereal grass (Oryza sativa) that are cooked and used for food
Sentence : Grilled calamari is served over riced potatoes that melt in the mouth

- Seize : to put in possession of something
Sentence : the biographer will be seized of all pertinent papers

Reference : 

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